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Siwa - Oasis - Oase


Ancient Egypt - Ägyptenreise - Egypt Holiday


Excursion Through a Wonderful Land

​In offering these excursions, I invite you to embark on a remarkable journey through the heart of Egypt—an exploration that transcends and transports you to the rich culture and heritage of an incredible land.


Egypt is famous for its friendly culture, ancient sites, and scenery. And this is just what we will explore throughout this journey.​


It is not like any other trip. You will immerse into not only the rich and lively culture, but you will be awed as you experience the silence beneath the stars that spread like a canopy over the desert.

Sustainable Tourism - nachhaltiger Tourismus

What's included?

Incredible Journey Egypt:

Discover unusual modern and ancient locations


Ancient Treasures:

Visit Egypt's rich cultural treasures


Traditional Cuisine:

Fresh dishes from the region


24/7 Physiological and Nutritional Consultation Opportunity Upon Request:

With Hadi El Rabbat


Natural Remedies:

Dive into Siwa's hot and salt springs and absorb their renowned natural remedies


Discover the Real Egypt:

Discover for yourself the old city of Cairo and its ancient bazaar



Join us for a campfire under the desert stars at the ecolodge

Excursion Schedule

Day 1: Arrival in Cairo (Evening)


Day 2: Exploring the Wonders of Giza

Early in the morning, we visit the iconic Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx Complex. Enjoy a traditional lunch in Giza and return to the hotel. Evening is dedicated to dinner, card games, and reflections on the day's experiences.


Day 3: Ancient treasures and Bazaars in Cairo

After breakfast, explore the Egyptian Museum with its rich collection. A light lunch precedes a journey through Old Cairo for a blend of modern life and ancient Islamic architecture. Test your bargaining skills at one of Egypt’s oldest bazaars and enjoy dinner at one of Cairo’s oldest traditional restaurants.


Day 4: Journey to Siwa Oasis

An early breakfast kicks off a scenic car ride to the Siwa Oasis, with a lunch stop in the port city of Marsa Matruh. Traverse the Nile Delta, reaching Marsa Matruh for a refreshing break by the Mediterranean, continuing through the desert to the beautiful Siwa Oasis. Check into the architecturally stunning Ecolodge after sunset and soak in the unique atmosphere.


Siwa Oasis is a city in the desert with unique traditions and culture. Its springs, offering different holistic qualities (mineral, salt, hot, etc.), enrich this fertile gift of the land. Ancient sites, such as the oracle temple, hold historical significance. Legend has it that Alexander of Macedon sought counsel from it's Oracle. Later the Romans contributed to Siwa's ancient infrastructure, bringing along olives to the region.


Siwa is a fertile forest of date and olive trees amidst the desert, illuminated by the stars. The culture thrives as locals tend to their everyday needs, showcasing a resilience against globalization. While the population used to live in forts built into the mountains, remnants of these structures remain, offering excellent sightseeing opportunities.


Day 5: Siwa Oasis Exploration and Wellness

Discover the natural resources of Siwa, including hot springs and mineral baths surrounded by date trees. There is much to see on this day, so taking an occasional dip in the mineral springs is much recommended! The oasis, with its lush date trees, provides a serene backdrop for relaxation.


As the day progresses, indulge in the therapeutic properties of the mineral springs, allowing the enchanting surroundings to heighten your senses. The evening promises a truly immersive experience. Dinner is presented in a traditional manner, featuring local cuisine served at our lodge. The ambiance is further enhanced by the soft glow of candlelight and the melodic tunes of local music. All of this unfolds under the vast canvas of stars, creating a magical atmosphere in the heart of Siwa Oasis.


Day 6: Safari and Desert Stars

The early part of the day is reserved for downtime, offering a chance to unwind and reflect. Until lunch, enjoy moments of relaxation— whether it's swimming, exploring, or practicing yoga.


In the afternoon, we venture into the desert. Explore a living bio-history site, a part of the desert that still contains a prehistoric ocean bed. You may just come across fossils of whale bones, starfish, and other fascinating miracles of nature. As the day transitions to evening, we gather by the firepit to witness the mesmerizing spectacle of the desert stars. Whether you choose the New Moon or Full Moon excursion, each offers its own unique charm. After dinner in the desert, filled with sharing and connecting, we return to the Lodge.


Day 7: Leisure and Shopping in Siwa

Today, you have the opportunity to rest, reflect, and indulge in shopping in the town by the old fort. Souvenirs are all locally and traditionally crafted. Whether you choose to explore, relax, or visit the springs, this day is yours to savor.


Day 8: The Road from Siwa to Cairo

After a nourishing local breakfast, embark on the journey back to Cairo, with a lunch stop in the coastal city of Marsa Matrouh. Arrive in Cairo by the evening.


Day 9: Departure from Cairo

Bid adieu to this captivating journey as you depart from Cairo, carrying with you the cherished memories of the diverse landscapes and rich cultural experiences of Egypt. May these moments accompany you on your adventures as they unfold. Safe travels!

Locations and Route

Oase - Oasis - Safari
About Hadi El Rabbat and Why Egypt


Hadi and his brother were fortunate to be the sons of Wafaa El Saddik, one of Egypt's pioneering female archaeologists and arguably one of the most passionate. There is perhaps no other person who loves Egypt as deeply as his mother does, from its culture, specifically its people, to the rich history of the land. Since before Hadi can remember, his mother would take her two sons to archaeological excavations. Later, she assumed the position as the director of the Grand Egyptian Museum Cairo, continuing her career in archaeology and Egyptology.

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